Perth Royal Yacht club Deployed Dolphin1 | OceanAlpha

Dolphin1 Remote Control Life Buoy successfully launched in Perth with our official partners Perth Royal Yacht club Western Australia. Overwhelming response and interest from various Government and private organizations.

Local television news Seven News reported the event.

Dophin1 is the most compact, versatile and affordable unmanned water rescue device. This device can be widely applied on offshore oil and gas platforms, within government departments, on commercial ships and boats of all sizes, in marina’s, on public beaches and at water recreation locations such as fun parks, rivers and dams swimming areas.

Related Applications

Dolphin 1 Assists to Deploy Long Mooring Lines
Dolphin1 Deliver Supplies Between Ships
Dolphin1 Deployed in A Joint Law Enforcement Exercise
Lifeguards in Brighton Beach Trialing Dolphin 1 Remote-control Buoy



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