News | OceanAlpha
  • M75 USV

    Dive into the universe of OceanAlpha’s cutting-edge marine USVs

    OceanAlpha is dedicated to play a leading role in this transformation. We provide advanced USV solutions across a range of sectors, including offshore wind, oil and gas, hydrography research, and maritime security.

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  • Dolphin 1 Deployed in Brighton, UK, Reported by BBC News

    Dolphin 1 Remote Control Lifebuoy, a new way of saving lives on Brighton sea front has been launched, reported by BBC News

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  • Government Department Utilizes USV to Monitor Water Quality

    To detect sudden water pollution outbreak of the city’s mother river in time, the government department introduced unmanned surface vehicle to their water monitoring routine.

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  • Remote-controlled lifebuoy propels itself to save troubled swimmers

    Designed to help swimmers in distress, the self-propelled Dolphin 1 is guided to where it’s need by remote control.

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    The First USV Pilot Technique Competition Held in Zhuhai

    The first USV Pilot Technique Competition kicked off in Xiangshan Marine Technology Bay in Zhuhai, China. Contestants competed on both theoretical knowledge and field operation for the final award.

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  • TC40 USV e1561960727717
    USV Assist In Pollution Remediation to The World’s Third Longest River

    The application of OceanAlpha’s pipeline detection USV has brought about technological revolutionary to the traditional operation of sewage outlet remediation.

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  • CIOReview - Autonomous Maritime Surveys Driven by USVs

    OceanAlpha is honored to announced that the company has been included in the 20 Most Promising Marine Tech Solution Providers in 2019 list by CIOReview magazine in the special edition of Marine Tech 2019.

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