USV Product Applications & Case Studies - OceanAlpha

Case Study

  •  e1566454849931
    ME120 Conducts Mobile Total Phosphorus Survey to Assist Water Pollution Management
  • M40 1 e1566197508761
    Why Acoustic Instrument Performs Better on USVs?
  • USV and UAV Collaborate to Map a Dam Site in Cameroon, Africa
  • MM70 USV Conduct Water Quality Monitoring on Plateau Lake
  • 5 e1561715156157
    USV Assist In Pollution Remediation of Yangtze River
  • 8 e1562654875556
    SL40 USV Conducts Mutibeam Echosounder Survey With A R2Sonic 2020 MBES
  • 5
    M40 USV Surveying With MS400 Multibeam Sounding System And Ping 3D Side Scan Sonar
  • water discharge
    SL20 USV Conducts Topographic Survey To A River Section

Product Solution
